Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back from Camp

So i am back from camp. Which was awesome in some ways and in others made me want to cry. I made some new friends and I got in another argument with old friend (will i never learn??) but the most importantly of all I learned some things that I need to do in order to be a more effective worker in His kingdom.
It sure is funny how when you pray for wisdom, understanding, and preparation how sometimes that comes through things that look negative on the surface and are quite painful. He sure knows what He is doing though, cause I am humbled significantly and I am reaffirmed that He has a plan for me and He hears and answers my prayers and sometimes that is with a metaphorical punch in the stomach that I desperately needed. Hopefully I can turn this learning into wisdom and use that wisdom to serve Him. So as always I ask you for your prayers because I am a weak pathetic human who needs God desperately and the prayers of the righteous accomplish great things!!


  1. Great post! I love how you capitalized "He"!

  2. Chris~

    I look forward to following you on your mission. As far as prayers the boys and I are on it!! Thanks for sharing.

    Love & Blessed Travels,

  3. Thanks for sharing so openly. I know this is personal stuff, so do what you think is best, but I'd love to hear specific stories when you can! We are definitely praying for you!

